Alkaline Tartrate Reagent

Alkaline tartrate reagent is commonly used in laboratory settings, particularly in biochemistry, for various assays and reactions. One of the primary applications of this reagent is in the determination of reducing sugars, where it acts as a stabilizer in some chemical reactions.

Alkaline Tartrate Reagent

Uses of Alkaline Tartrate Reagent:

  1. Benedict’s Test: Identifies reducing sugars by changing color when heated with a sugar solution.
  2. Copper Reduction Assays: Assists in determining the presence of reducing substances in various biochemical assays.
  3. Colorimetric Reactions: Used in assays that involve copper ions for color development, such as in some protein assays.
  4. Enzyme Activity Studies: Helps in assessing enzyme activity that involves reduction reactions in laboratory experiments.
  5. Quality Control: Employed in analytical chemistry to verify the presence of reducing agents in various substances.

Each of these uses leverages the ability of alkaline tartrate reagent to stabilize copper ions in an alkaline environment for various chemical reactions.

Composition of Alkaline Tartrate Reagent:

ComponentAmount (for 100 ml)
Potassium Sodium Tartrate35.0 g
Sodium Hydroxide7.5 g
Distilled WaterTo 100 ml

Preparation of Alkaline Tartrate Reagent:

  1. Weigh Chemicals:
  2. Dissolve Chemicals:
  3. Adjust Volume:
  4. Transfer and Label:
  5. Stability:


Uses of Alkaline Tartrate Reagent in Clinical Laboratories:

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